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Continuous Reachability for Unordered Data Petri Nets

Piotr Hofman
Uniwersytet Warszawski
12 grudnia 2018 14:15
p. 5050
Seminarium „Teoria automatów”

What is the best way to reduce complexity? The simple answer is "change the problem". Considering the hardness of Petri net reachability people developed a different notion, namely continuous reachability. During the talk, I will explain it and show how it can be solved. Next, we will go to the extensions of Petri Nets and look if the continuous reachability can be lifted to them.

In particular, we will look to Petri Nets with resets and to Unordered Data Petri Nets. The first, half of the talk will be based on works of Haddad, Fraca, Blondin, and Haase. Second is based on our current submission to FoSSaCS.