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Continuous and discrete models of epidemic spread in heterogeneous populations.

Marcin Choiński
11 grudnia 2019 12:00
p. 5070
Seminarium Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier

Models of spread of infectious disease in heterogeneous populations will be presented. Firstly, the case when population is homogeneous will be considered. The continuous model for this case will be introduced. Next, I will present the continuous model for the case of heterogeneous population. The stability analysis of this model will be presented. Then, I will present discrete models which are analogical to the continuous ones. The mathematical results will be accompanied by the numerical simulations. The simulated values were compared to the real data. These data come from the programs of active detection of tuberculosis among homeless people in Warmian-Mazurian Province in Poland. The talk of Marcin Choiński is based on the joint work with Prof. Urszula Foryś and Dr Mariusz Bodzioch.