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BF property for some class of noetherian domains

Zahra Nazemian
University of Graz
24 listopada 2022 12:15
Informacje na temat wydarzenia
Seminarium „Algebra”

We see that under some conditions the class of noetherian domains possessing finite partitive functions from finitely generated modules to a set of ordinal numbers is  BF (bounded factorization).  In particular, we see that noetherian rings with Auslander dualizing complex are BF. Some examples of these rings are all known noetherian Hopf algebras  (including the group ring kG, where k is a field and G is a polycyclic-by-finite group) and Weyl algebras A_n(k), where k is field of characteristic zero. We are cruise to know when noetherian semigroup domains are Auslander Gorenstein or when they are BF.