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Automated data collection from bitmap images on Polish Health Ministry's Twitter. Some thoughts on COVID-19 statistics in Poland.

Anna Ochab-Marcinek
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences
27 maja 2020 12:15
Informacje na temat wydarzenia
Seminarium Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier

I will only briefly focus on the technicalities. Polish Ministry of Health publishes a large part of the coronavirus-related data only in the form of bitmap images on Twitter. I wrote a set of Python scripts which use image filtering and OCR to automatically collect the numbers from the images. I publish these data in a numeric format on Github (anuszka/COVID-19-MZ_GOV_PL) and I visualize them on the website The main aim of this presentation is to share some thoughts on the statistics that I have visualized, possibly as an inspiration for mathematicians. I don’t do any modeling. I will only present a few observations that can be made when comparing the available data on confirmed cases, fatalities, hospitalizations and numbers of tests. I will also mention some other, not always widely known, Polish coronavirus-related projects or analyses that can be found on the internet. *** Hangouts Meet: at 12:00 ***