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An Axiom System for Feedback Centralities

Tomasz Wąs
Instytut Informatyki, UW
15 kwietnia 2021 10:15
Informacje na temat wydarzenia
Seminarium „Gry, mechanizmy i sieci społeczne”

In recent years, the axiomatic approach to centrality measures has attracted attention in the literature. However, most papers propose a collection of axioms dedicated to one or two considered centrality measures. In result, it is hard to capture the differences and similarities between various measures. In this work, we propose an axiom system for four classic feedback centralities: Eigenvector centrality, Katz centrality, Katz prestige and PageRank. We prove that each of these four centrality measures can be uniquely characterized with a subset of our axioms. Our system is the first one in the literature that considers all four feedback centralities.