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An attempt of mathematical description of kinematic parameters of hurdles, especially of the hurdle stride

Michalina Błażkiewicz
20 grudnia 2006 14:15
p. 5840
Seminarium Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier

The main objective of this presentation is utilization of mathematical apparatus for description of some kinematic parameters of hurdle race and analysis of position of limbs and of body centre of gravity during hurdle stride. The detailed objectives concern description of technique of hurdles of 100/110m and analysis of different aspects of efficiency of hurdle stride. Using mathematical analysis and calculus of variations (methods of Lagrange) I could answer a following question: What should be the athletes speed on a data distance L to have minimum time of run? On the other hand, the utilization of basic kinematics and dynamics laws allows to answer the following question: Who has major predisposition for hurdles: short or high athletes? For analysis of hurdle stride it was used the APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis System). We analysed the international champion 100m hurdles for women.