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A plantation game -- from practice to theory and back again

Marcin Przybyłko
Uniwersytet Warszawski, University of New Caledonia
18 listopada 2015 14:15
p. 5870
Seminarium „Teoria automatów”

In this talk, I will present the results of collaboration with Institut
Agronomique Néo-Calédonien in which we have been trying to create
a simple framework that would be able to both, model evolution of
a system with explicit human influence and give recommendations on
how to influence the system, to attain some established earlier objectives.

To achieve such framework, we have used Markov Decision Processes (MDPs),
to model the dynamics of the system, and game theory tools to
give recommendations.

During the talk, I will also recall/present some complexity results
concerning the MDPs and discuss their relevance in our setting.