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A maximal regularity approach to compressible mixtures"

Tomasz Piasecki
29 października 2020 12:30
Informacje na temat wydarzenia
Zoom meeting
Seminarium Zakładu Równań Fizyki Matematycznej

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I will present recent results obtained in collaboration with Yoshihiro
Shibata and Ewelina Zatorska. We investigate the well posedness of a
system describing flow of a mixture of compressible constituents.
The system in composed of Navier-Stokes equations coupled with equations
describing balance of fractional masses. A crucial property is that the
system is non-symmetric and only degenerate parabolic.

However, it reveals a structure which allows to transform it to a
symmetric parabolic problem using appropriate change of unknowns. In order
to treat the transformed problem we write it in Lagrangian coordinates and

For the related linear problem we show a Lp-Lq maximal regularity estimate
applying the theory of R-bounded solution operators. This estimate allows
to show local existence and uniqueness. Next, assuming additionally
boundedness of the domain we extend the maximal regularity estimate and
show exponential decay  property for the linear problem. This allow us to
show global well-posedness of the original problem for small data.