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A Comparison of different coarse spaces for the Additive Schwarz Method.

Atle Loneland
Uniwersytet w Bergen, Norwegia
23 stycznia 2014 10:00
p. 5840
Seminarium Zakładu Analizy Numerycznej

Motivated by [1], we have investigated the use of a new coarse space in the additive Schwarz method.
Independently, a somewhat similar coarse space was tested in [2]. Both
methods are concerned with the standard elliptic model problem having large (possibly discontinuous) jumps in the (material) coefficients. This talk will report on a comparison of the two methods.

[1] J. Nordbotten and P. Bjørstad, On the relationship between the
multiscale finite-volume method and domain decomposition preconditioners, Copmput. Geosci., 2008

[2] I.G. Graham, P.O. Lechner and R. Scheichl, Domain decomposition
for multiscale PDEs, Numerische Mathematik, 2007