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Poniedziałkowe Niestandardowe Seminarium łączone z Seminarium Zakładu Równań Różniczkowych
- dr hab. Iwona Chlebicka, prof. ucz.
Strona domowa
https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~ichlebicka/nonstandard-seminar.htmlLista referatów
4 stycznia 2021 14:00
Jan Kristensen (University of Oxford)
Garding inequalities and their impact on regularity and uniqueness
The abstract is available at https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~ichlebicka/JK-abstract.pdf
21 grudnia 2020 15:00
Erika Maringová (Vienna University of Technology)
On the globally Lipschitz minimizers to variational problems
The abstract is available at https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~ichlebicka/EM-abstract.pdf
21 grudnia 2020 14:00
Christoph Scheven (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
A variational approach to doubly nonlinear equations with nonstandard growth
The abstract is available at https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~ichlebicka/CS-abstract.pdf
14 grudnia 2020 15:00
Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda (University of Warsaw)
Homogenization of nonlinear elliptic systems in nonreflexive Musielak-Orlicz spaces
The abstract is available at https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~ichlebicka/ASG-abstract.pdf
14 grudnia 2020 14:00
Vit Musil (Masaryk University, Brno)
Sharp inequalities for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator
The abstract is available at https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~ichlebicka/VM-abstract.pdf
7 grudnia 2020 15:00
Jan Burczak (University of Leipzig)
Non-Newtonian fluids. From ketchup to convex integration
The abstract is available at https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~ichlebicka/JB-abstract.pdf
7 grudnia 2020 14:00
Angela Alberico (Institute for Applied Mathematics (IAC) “M. Picone” CNR)
Fractional Orlicz-Sobolev spaces
The abstract is available at https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~ichlebicka/AA-abstract.pdf
30 listopada 2020 15:00
Flavia Giannetti (University of Naples Federico II)
A modular Poincaré inequality
The abstract is available at https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~ichlebicka/FG-abstract.pdf
30 listopada 2020 14:00
Atsushi Tachikawa (Tokyo University of Science)
Boundary regularity of minimizers of double phase functionals
The abstract is available at https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~ichlebicka/AT-abstract.pdf
23 listopada 2020 15:00
David Cruz-Uribe (University of Alabama)
Bounded weak solutions to elliptic PDE with data in Orlicz spaces
It is a classical result due to Trudinger that if Q is a uniformly ellipticmatrix, and f∈Lq(Ω), q >n2, then weak solutionsuof the Dirichlet problem {−Div (Q∇u) =f for x∈Ω u= 0 for x∈∂Ω are …
23 listopada 2020 14:00
Franz Gmeineder (University of Bonn)
A-quasiconvexity and regularity
By Morrey’s foundational work, quasiconvexity displays a key notion in the vectorial Calculus of Variations. A suitable generalisation that keeps track of more elaborate differential conditions is given by Fonseca & Muller’s A-quasiconvexity. With the …
16 listopada 2020 15:00
Lukas Koch (University of Oxford)
Global higher integrability for minimisers of convex functionals with (p,q)-growt)
I present a global W^1,q(Ω,Rm)-regularity result for minimisers of convex functionals of the form F(u) =∫Ω f(x, Du) dx with (p,q)-growth. Further Idiscuss a global W^1,q-regularity result for a relaxed functional related to F(u).
16 listopada 2020 14:00
Giuseppe Mingione (University of Parma)
Nonautonomous functionals and regularity of minima
I will first give a short survey of regularity results for minimizers of nonuniformly elliptic variational integrals. I will concentrate on the case of nonautonomous functionals, reporting on some recent joint results with Cristiana De …
9 listopada 2020 15:00
Anna Zatorska-Goldstein (University of Warsaw)
Potential estimates for solutions of nonstandard growth measure data problems
We study the problem−divA(x,Du) =μ in Ω⊂Rn with a nonnegative bounded measure μ and a Caratheodory function A: Ω×Rn→Rn with Orlicz growth with respect to the second variable. The assumptions naturally cover the case of …
9 listopada 2020 14:00
Andrea Cianchi (University of Florence)
Nonstandard symmetric gradient Sobolev spaces
A unified approach to embedding theorems for Sobolev type spacesof vector-valued functions, defined via their symmetric gradient, is proposed. The Sobolev spaces in question are built upon general rearrangement-invariant norms. Optimal target spaces in the …