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Łukasz Rajkowski
Liczba publikacji: 32024
- Katarzyna Różycka, Ewa Skibniewska, Łukasz Rajkowski , Michał Skibniewski, Craniometric Characteristics of Selected Carnivora Species Kept in Captivity in Relation to Bite Force and Bending Strength of the Upper Canines, Animals, 14 (9) 2024, s. 1-14. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Łukasz Rajkowski , Local Dependence Graphs for Discrete Time Processes, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 2nd Conference on Causal Learning and Reasoning CLear 2023, Tuebingen, Germany, 11 kwietnia 2023 - 14 kwietnia 2023. Zobacz w PBN
- Łukasz Rajkowski , Analysis of the Maximal a Posteriori Partition in the Gaussian Dirichlet Process Mixture Model, Bayesian Analysis, 14 (2) 2019, s. 477-494. Zobacz w PBN