Algorithmic Engagements 2025
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to take part in the programming competition "Potyczki Algorytmiczne" (Algorithmic Engagements)!
The elimination rounds will be held online on March 10-16, and the finals, as it has become usual, in Zielona Góra (on May 23-24).
We encourage not only students and not only MIM; the competition is nationwide and open to all!
Call for Applications: Three Postdoctoral Positions in the NCN Maestro Project Beyond classical hydrodynamics - new mathematical description of physical phenomena
We are announcing a call for three postdoctoral positions in the research staff (mathematics) at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics, as part of the Maestro research project No. 2023/50/A/ST1/00447, funded by the National Science Centre (NCN).
Application Requirements:
An application should include Curriculum Vitae that:
- presents an overview of the background and scientific achievements of the candidate;
- lists all the candidate’s research works (including not yet published manuscripts);
- gives a list of three experienced researchers that may provide references for the candidate.
Applications and any inquiries regarding the research aspects of the project or formal details of the recruitment procedure should be sent to: aswiercz@mimuw.edu.pl
Principal Investigator: prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda
Application deadline: March 14, 2025


Publication highlighted at the ICLR conference
Efficient and Accurate Explanation Estimation with Distribution Compression by Hubert Baniecki and Przemysław Biecek has just been highlighted as a 'spotlight' article at a very prestigious conference in the field of ML/AI. Only 5.1% of publications submitted received such an award!

Organizing scientific events at the Banach Center
We encourage you to submit projects for schools, conferences and workshops organized at the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center (in Warsaw or Będlewo) in the years 2025-2027.
Scientific events approved by the international Scientific Council of the Banach Center will receive the status of 'Banach Center Events' and organizational assistance and funding, depending on the IM PAN budget.

Winter holidays are on
We wish all students and teaching staff a few moments of carefree relaxation.
See you on February 17th in class!

The first lecture in the series "Maria Skłodowska-Curie lecture"
The first lecture in the series "Maria Skłodowska-Curie lecture" will be given by Prof. Antonio Acin from ICFO (Barcelona) on the subject of secure, device-independent cryptographic key exchange. Prof. Acin was a 4-time ERC grantee in the field of his research.
See you on February 20 at 12:30, in room 2180!

"Snow's Eye" is the winner of the first edition of the Laboratorium Pomysłów program
We already know the winners of the 1st edition of the "Laboratorium Pomysłów" Grant Program!
One of the two awarded projects is "Snow's Eye" submitted by Jan Mikołajczyk, founder of the students' group Measurement Systems and Automation (Koło Naukowe Systemów Pomiarowych i Automatyki) operating at our Faculty.
The aim of the project is to build a drone to measure snow thickness in polar and mountainous areas.
We encourage you to submit your projects for the second edition, which starts on February 4th (and will last until February 28th).
MoreMarek Sokołowski – public defence of the doctoral dissertation
The public defence of the doctoral dissertation will take place on 25 February 2025 at 12:00 PM in room 2180 (sala RW) in the building of the MIMUW Faculty at 2 Banacha Street, Warsaw.
Title of the dissertation: Efficient Data Structures And Graph Width Parameters
Supervisor: Assoc Prof. Michał Pilipczuk (University of Warsaw)
Niklas Hellmer – public defence of the doctoral dissertation
The remote online public defence of the doctoral dissertation will take place on 7 February 2025 at 02:00 PM .
Title of the dissertation: Probability Meets Topological Data Analysis
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Paweł Dłotko (Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
The link to the defence meeting will be made available after prior registration by e-mail rnd.mat@uw.edu.pl . The registration of participants will be open from 9:00 am on 30.01.2025 until 3:00 pm on 6.02.2025