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Warsaw Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science

Warsaw Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science (WDSMCS) is a part of Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences. It is led jointly by Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics University of Warsaw (MIM UW) and Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN) . The mission of WDSMCS is the continuation of the 100-years old tradition of Warsaw School of Mathematics.

This mission is realized by maintaining the highest research standards in mathematics and computer science and preparing our PhD students to independent research work. Each student works on an individual PhD project under the supervision of researchers of UW and IMPAN. Moreover, the students attend courses taught both by researchers of these institutions and invited external experts (see PhDOpen and Simons semesters ).

Lists of our researchers: IMPAN, MIM UW

Lists of the PhD graduates for both institutions: IMPAN, MIM UW

Application process

The first step is finding a candidate for PhD supervisor and obtaining her/his declaration about the willingness to play such a role. Then you should register in via the internet recruitment webpage (follow the link below to see the list of required documents). Submission of ducuments using IRK 06.05.2024 - 17.06.2024

Financial Support

During the four years of study, each PhD student receives a scholarship in the amount of PLN 2667.70 monthly for the first two years of studies (before the mid-term evaluation) and PLN 4109.70 monthly in the next two years after the mid-term evaluation. Supplement for people with disabilities: PLN 800.31 monthly. Supervisors may offer an addtitional scholarship funded by a research grant. Moreover, host institutions offer travel support for research visits and conference participation. PhD students can apply for 3-6 month internships worldwide funded by University of Warsaw.


Secretarial office

Mathematics Program

Computer Science Program