Theses and diploma examinations
Diploma thesis
The diploma thesis (Bachelor's or Master's, respectively) is written under the guidance of a supervisor of your choice. Most often, this is one of the instructors of the bachelor proseminar/master seminar in which you are enrolled, but it is not a requirement. With your supervisor's approval, the thesis may be written in English or jointly by several students (in this case, however, the contribution of each co-author needs to be clearly specified in the thesis).
If you want to choose as your thesis supervisor a person not employed at the Faculty of MIM (or in the case of Bioinformatics students, not employed at the Faculty of MIM, Biology, Chemistry or Physics) you should notify the vice-dean for student affairs, e.g. by application in USOSweb.
The co-supervisor of the thesis may also be an academic from outside the UW (although in such a case a supervisor from the Faculty of MIM shall also be appointed). The approval of the Teaching Council is needed. Give your application (e.g. by email) to the vice-dean for student affairs and attach to the request the agreement of your future supervisor, short information about him/her (who he/she is, why he/she should supervise your thesis) and a proposal of the thesis co-supervisor from the Faculty of MIM, together with their consent. Here is a sample application.
In order to enter the details of the supervisor from outside the UW into USOS, the following data is required :
-name, country and date of birth, gender, PESEL ( for Polish citizens) or nationality and type, number and country of issue of the identity document (for foreigners), e-mail address
Thesis submission
Submitting a thesis approved by the supervisor to the APD is required to obtain credit for the bachelor proseminar (Team programming project/B.Sc. degree laboratory, respectively) and for the master seminar in second-cycle studies. Paper copy of the thesis is no longer required.
A request for approval of the thesis topic is submitted to the APD (Archive of Diploma Theses) by the supervisor (manual).
Your thesis should be submitted to the APD at least 14 days before your scheduled exam date. You do not yet need to have a complete set of credits at this stage - even if you will be repeating a year and you have your thesis ready - submit it. This will avoid fees for repeating a proseminar/a seminar.
Uploading your thesis to the APD is possible once the supervisor has enabled file uploading and the author(s) of the thesis has/have approved all the information required by the system. If your thesis includes software, you should include it in the Theses Archive (APD) as an attachment.
LaTeX classes for B.A. and M.A. theses.
Subject Classification according to AMS.
Computing Classification System according to ACM.
Making a thesis publicly available or confidential
By default settings of the Theses Archive (APD):
if you are not logged in to the Theses Archive (APD), you can see: - a basic set of information about the thesis: title, author, thesis supervisor, abstract, keywords, etc.
if you are logged in to the Theses Archive (APD) but you are not related to thesis, you can see:
- a basic set of information about the thesis
- content of reviews (only for theses with no confidential information)
if you are logged in to the Theses Archive (APD) and you are related to the thesis (author, supervisor, reviewers, chair of the thesis exam committee) or as a member of authorised administrative staff:
- you have full access to the thesis and reviews.
At the request of the author and supervisor, the thesis may be made publicly available, i.e. visible:
- for everyone,
- only for logged in
- only for logged in from the unit of the thesis
The HTU – (Head of the Teaching Unit, i.e. the vice-dean for student affairs), on the basis of an application (in Polish) of the thesis supervisor or a student, may also decide to classify the thesis as containing confidential information. The application should indicate the type of information protected and the justification and be submitted at the stage of approving the thesis topic.
Depending on the type of protected information, it may be legally protected secrets (e.g. business secret) or (more rarely) or information subject to protection under The Act on Protection of Classified Information of 5 August 2010* (only in the latter case, the obligation to examine the thesis with the Single Anti-Plagiarism System and send it to the National Repository of Written Dissertations (ORPD) is excluded);
Marking a thesis as confidential results in the exclusion of its review from public view for persons not related to the thesis.
*under the Law on Protection of Classified Information, secrets whose disclosure may have a detrimental effect on the performance by public authorities or other organisational units of tasks in the field of national defence, foreign policy, public security, observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the administration of justice or the economic interests of the Republic of Poland are protected.
Changes and corrections
If you want to make a minor editorial change to the title of your bachelor thesis (or change the language of your thesis), contact the Student Office and ask for the correction.
If you want to change the topic of your thesis, you need to submit a request for the topic approval to the APD again.
In order to change your thesis supervisor, you need to have the approval of the vice-dean for student affairs (submit a paper application with the approvals of your present and future supervisor attached, - copies of emails will do).
Extending the duration of studies
If all you need to graduate is to submit your diploma thesis (you have all credits except a seminar/proseminar), you can apply to extend the duration of your studies by a maximum of three months (in this case, the diploma examination must be taken by the Christmas break (around 20 December).). The reasons for the extension should be justified and you should include a positive opinion from your supervisor (confirming that your thesis is likely to be completed within the extended deadline).
Setting diploma examination date
Once you have submitted your thesis to the APD, your supervisor should submit proposals for at least two reviewers of your thesis from which the vice-dean for student affairs will select one. Then agree with your supervisor and reviewer 2-3 dates that suit everyone on which your examination could take place and notify the Student office about one week in advance, asking them to find the chairperson of the examination committee. In addition, agree with your thesis supervisor and reviewer on which form (online/onsite) you would like the exam to take place (in case of online exam, your thesis supervisor sends an email to the vice-dean for student affairs asking for approval).
You may find that the Student Office has dates in June, September and December that are set by the chairpersons - it is worth asking.
Please note - the above description does not apply to the bachelor diploma examination in Computer Science, which only takes place in early July and September.
Collecting your diploma
It takes a maximum of about a month to issue a diploma. The complete set comprises an original and a copy in Polish, a copy in English and a Polish and English supplement containing a list of all the courses completed during the studies.
Information that your diploma is ready for collection should appear in USOS. However, if it has been a long time since you defended your diploma and this information is still not available, please contact the Student Office.
Before you collect your diploma, you should fill in your clearance slip in USOS (it will be available in the module: "COMMON SECTION/Clearance slips") and (if you started your studies earlier than the 2019/20 academic year) pay a fee for issuing the diploma (it will appear in USOS in the "Payments" tab); if you have started your studies in the 2019/20 academic year (and later) you do not pay the fee for issuing the diploma.
If you graduate on time, with a grade point average higher than 4.6 and very good grades in your diploma exam and thesis, you will be awarded a diploma with distinction. To issue a diploma with distinction one 4.5 x 6.5 cm photograph is required.
If you cannot collect the document in person, the Student Office may issue it to an authorized person on the basis of written authorization. The authorization should contain the authorizing person's data (first name, last name, PESEL, field of study, e-mail address, telephone number) and the authorized person's data (first name, last name, PESEL, home address). This authorization should be signed legibly by you in your own hand. The person accepting the authorization must in this case verify your signature with other documents in your student files. Authorization form (in Polish).