You need to indicate your preferred choice of diploma seminars when recruiting for a second-cycle degree programme in the system of Internet Recruitment of Candidates (IRK). Assignment to the seminar is based on ranking lists and is announced at the end of September.
Registration for classes
You will be registered for the obligatory courses of the winter semester of your first year of study by the Student office. You can choose your course class/lab group during the RDG round (direct registration for groups), the groups exchange system or by contacting the course coordinator. When group allocation is announced and if you are not satisfied with it, you can take part in the Group Exchange or you can ask the course coordinator for a change of group (during the Coordinated Groups Exchange round). The deadlines for the respective registration rounds can be found in our faculty's USOSweb
You will need to register for all courses on your own from the second semester of study onwards. The general section of this student guide contains detailed registration information and course group descriptions.
Elective courses
The course schedule for second-cycle studies in computer science requires completing elective courses for a total of 54 ECTS, which most often corresponds to 9 courses of 6 ECTS each: and 4 of these need to be completed in the first year and 5 in the second year of study (IMPORTANT: some courses offered by the faculty, however, may have a different number of ECTS credits).
In addition, at least one elective course from concurrent and distributed programming group needs to be completed in the first year of study (therefore a total of 60 ECTS credits are required for elective courses in the USOSWeb).
In order to make the choice of courses easier, Lectures on Lectures are organised at the end of the academic year, giving a brief introduction to the courses offered in the coming year.
Due to a change in the programme of study for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, some of the previously obligatory courses will, starting from the academic year 2024/25, become elective courses with new codes: Numerical Methods (1000-2M24MNU), Program Semantics and Verification (1000-2M24SWP), Security of computer systems (now with a new name: Introduction to Cybersecurity and Cryptography - 1000-2M24WCK) and Functional Programming (1000-2M24PFU - which is the equivalent of the former stream in Introduction to fucnctional programming).
Students who have taken these courses as obligatory courses during their first cycle studies are asked to choose other elective courses.
You may also obtain credits for elective courses, by completing the courses offered for ML, by completing up to 2 courses from the list of courses for mathematics ('obligatory', facultative or 'monographic courses') except:
- Courses for 1st year Mathematics,
- Mathematical analysis II.1(1000-113bAM3a)
- Mathematical analysis II.2 (1000-114bAM4a)
- Computational Mathematics (1000-114bMOBa)
- Discrete Mathematics (1000-134MAD)
- Databases (1000-134BAD)
- Object-oriented programming and C++ (1000-135POC)
Diploma examination process
In order to complete the first year of the master seminar, you need to have your master thesis topic approved. In order to complete the 2nd year of the seminar, you need to submit your thesis to the APD (you do not need to print it). You can only take the diploma examination once you have ended studies (i.e. you have completed all the courses required by your study plan). However, you may start arranging the examination date even before you have completed all your credits in Usos.
The master diploma examination is oral. The exam consists of a presentation of the master thesis (up to 15 minutes) and answers to 3 questions directly related to the master thesis topic.