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Seminarium "DeSeR: Dane, strumienie, rozpraszanie"

The seminar is devoted to the theory and practice of data management and knowledge representation. We are interested in challenges related to the processing of data, queries, and metadata (schemas, constraints, dependencies, ontologies), ranging from designing and analyzing abstract formalisms all the way to database systems architecture and distributed processing of big data. We like our data in all flavors: not only relational, but also semistructured (XML, JSON), graph (RDF, LPG), object, text, temporal, stream, GIS, and others.

The problems tackled can be theoretical, requiring tools from algorithmics, combinatorics, logic (e.g. finite model theory), and automata theory, as well as very practical, in the spirit of systems and software engineering. MSc theses written within our seminar may study decidability and complexity of abstract problems, design algorithms and heuristics, implement and experiment with existing theoretical solutions, or analyze, compare and extend existing systems.

We meet and discuss with experts in other disciplines, who sometimes supply ideas for MSc theses. We have cooperated or are currently cooperating with astronomers, chemists, and geographers. We are also open for other areas where databases can be applied.

Seminar presentations are usually based on recent papers presented at leading international conferences devoted to data management and knowledge representation, such as VLDB, PODS, SIGMOD, or KR.

Selected topics:

* Data models, semantics, query languages

* Data provenance

* Databases for emerging hardware

* Distributed and parallel databases

* Graph data management, RDF, social networks, Semantic Web

* Knowledge discovery, clustering, data mining

* Machine learning for data management and vice versa

* Model theory, logics, algebras, computational complexity

* Ontology-based data access, data integration and exchange, metadata management

* Ontology formalisms and models, description logics

* Privacy, security, ethics

* Query processing and optimization

* Scientific databases

* Semi-structured data

* Small data, end-user programming

* Storage, indexing, and physical database design

* Streams, sensor networks, complex event processing

* Transaction processing

* Uncertainty, incompleteness, and inconsistency in data management



Tuesdays, 10:15 a.m. , room: 4060

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