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Algebraic and Geometric Topology


Algebraic K-theory, homotopy theory, topology of transformation groups, homological algebra, knot theory and topology of algebraic varieties.


Employees and PhD students

  • prof. dr hab. Stanisław Betley

    Algebraic K-theory, homotopy theory and homological algebra in functor categories

  • dr hab. Maciej Borodzik, prof. ucz.

    Knot theory, especially homological invariants (Floer homologies and Khovanov homology); Low-dimensional topology

  • dr hab. Marcin Chałupnik, prof. ucz.

    Homological algebra and representation theory, in particular homological properties of modular representations of general linear groups via functor categories

  • prof. dr hab. Stefan Jackowski

    Homotopy theory of classifying spaces of compact Lie groups and related spaces, homological algebra in functor categories, equivariant topology

  • dr Andrzej Kozłowski

    Homotopy theory of classifying spaces of holomorphic and algebraic transformations

  • dr Piotr Kucharski

    Knot theory, string theory, quantum topology, knot-quiver correspondence

  • dr hab. Tomasz Maszczyk
  • dr Wojciech Politarczyk

    Low-dimensional topology and knot theory, quantum topology, homological knot invariants

  • dr Bruno Stonek

    Stable homotopy theory (algebra over ring spectra), abstract homotopy theory (∞-categories, model categories)

  • dr Karol Szumiło

    Simplicial and abstract homotopy theory, category theory and ∞-category theory, homotopy type theory

  • dr hab. Andrzej Weber, prof. ucz.

    Topology of algebraic varieties: in particular intersection homology, weight filtration, equivariant cohomology, Thom polynomials and other homological or numerical invariants of singularities

  • dr Olga Ziemiańska

    Homotopy theory and group actions; geometric group theory

  • dr Krzysztof Ziemiański

    Homotopy theory of classifying spaces of compact Lie groups, combinatorial topology , directed algebraic topology, knot theory