Algorithmic Engagements 2025
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to take part in the programming competition "Potyczki Algorytmiczne" (Algorithmic Engagements)!
The elimination rounds will be held online on March 10-16, and the finals, as it has become usual, in Zielona Góra (on May 23-24).
We encourage not only students and not only MIM; the competition is nationwide and open to all!

Publication highlighted at the ICLR conference
Efficient and Accurate Explanation Estimation with Distribution Compression by Hubert Baniecki and Przemysław Biecek has just been highlighted as a 'spotlight' article at a very prestigious conference in the field of ML/AI. Only 5.1% of publications submitted received such an award!

Winter holidays are on
We wish all students and teaching staff a few moments of carefree relaxation.
See you on February 17th in class!

The first lecture in the series "Maria Skłodowska-Curie lecture"
The first lecture in the series "Maria Skłodowska-Curie lecture" will be given by Prof. Antonio Acin from ICFO (Barcelona) on the subject of secure, device-independent cryptographic key exchange. Prof. Acin was a 4-time ERC grantee in the field of his research.
See you on February 20 at 12:30, in room 2180!


New positions at MIM are open
New positions (teaching and research-teaching) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics have been opened.
We encourage you to see the announcements ("More").

For this New Year, we share with you "topological" wishes: closing unfinished projects, bounding distracting activities, and therefore compactly waiting for the outcome! :)
All the best wishes from MIMUW!




Thematic Research Programme
Another call for Thematic Research Programme has been opened. Funding can be obtained for a project consisting of at least two of the following:
a) temporary employment of outstanding, experienced or young scientists;
b) organization of conferences;
c) organization of workshops;
d) organization of schools;
e) visits of foreign scientists lasting no longer than 1 month
Closing date for applications: 15.01.2025

Krzysztof Diks won the Lem Award in the "culture" category!
Computer Science popularizer and a tutor of almost a hundred medalists of the International Computer Science Olympiad. Initiator of the first online programming competition "Pogromcy Algorytmów" ("Algorithm Busters"; today "Potyczki Algorytmiczne" - "Algorithm Battles"). Tutor and teacher of world champions in the International Collegiate Programming Contest in 2003 and 2007. Co-organizer of the Polish Academic Collegiate Programming Contest, chairman of the committee of the Computer Science Olympiad.
Our warmest congratulations!

Colloquium Of MIM
Speaker: Anna Gambin
Title: Algorithmic challenges in mass spectrometry
When: December 5, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
Where: room 2180