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Leaves in the course of study

During your studies, you may request a leave due to chronic illness or disability (a sick leave), for the pursuit of other studies, studies at another university or research (a research leave), pregnancy or the need to care for a child (a parental leave), or in other justified cases (a special leave).

A leave may be granted by the vice-dean for student affairs. During the leave, you retain all student rights, but you don't have to (although you can) attend classes and take exams. If you are applying for a leave after you have registered for some courses, you can ask to be unregistered from (some of) them. Please, indicate in USOS in your application to the vice-dean for student affairs which courses you want to be unregistered from, and which you would like to pass. The decision to unregister is made by the vice-dean for student affairs taking into account, among other things, the timing of the application (when the application has been submitted) and the type of the leave. If you have not unregistered from the courses, and you have failed to pass them, despite being on leave, you are subject to charges under normal rules.

When you return to the university, you will be enrolled in the next study term following the one you have completed. You will need to obtain credits for all courses required in the current programme. If it has been modified during your leave, the vice-dean for student affairs will decide on the extent of curricular differences that need to be made up.

You may be granted research or special leaves for a period not exceeding one year and in the case of first cycle studies, after obtaining credit for at least the first year of study. The next leave may be granted after completing another year of study.

You may be granted a sick leave for the period of sickness, treatment or rehabilitation, temporarily excluding or seriously impeding the continuation of studies. You may start applying for the leave by registering in the Office for Persons with Disabilities and it is there that you provide all the necessary documentation. The decision to grant it is made by the vice-dean for student affairs based on the opinion of the Office for Persons with Disabilities (BON).

You should apply for a medical leave of absence without undue delay. After the end of the study term (a year or a semester in case of semester settlement), you cannot be granted a sick leave for this study term (unless you prove that it was impossible to apply earlier). 

Read also about Individual study process/individual study organisation (ITS):

and about Individual completion procedure (ITZ):

A parental leave is provided for pregnant students and students who are parents. A parental leave is granted to pregnant students, for the period until the child’s birth, and the students who are parents, for a period of one year since the date of submission of the request for the leave.

A request for the leave can be submitted within one year from the date of the child’s birth.

If the leave ends during the semester, the vice-dean for student affairs at the student’s request, shall extend the leave until the end of this semester.


Individual study organisation

Individual study process/individual study organisation (ITS) is a special mode of studying which allows, in justified cases, to modify the duration of studies or to replace courses obligatory for a given field of study with other courses. It may also consist in setting a different way or date of completing courses. The latter possibility (subject to a positive opinion of the Office for Persons with Disabilities (BON)) has been reserved primarily for students whose illness, rehabilitation, disability or other important obstacles prevent them from studying under normal rules. However, in justified cases, an Individual Course of Study may also be granted in other situations. For further details, please see the the Rules of Study.

Individual completion procedure (ITZ)/ individual process and time frame for obtaining course credits

Individual completion procedure/ individual process and time frame for obtaining course credits  (ITZ) enables you to complete classes or courses in a manner or time period different from those stipulated in the course syllabuses and course and exam schedules. For example, it may allow you to take exams in a specific form or to be granted extra time during an exam. This is an option provided primarily for students with disabilities, suffering from a chronic illness or during the period of convalescence. The vice-dean for student affairs decides on the granting of Individual completion procedure (ITZ) based on the opinion of the Office for Persons with Disabilities (BON). When applying for ITZ, the procedure is the same as for a medical leave.

Read about possible adjustments related to ITS and ITZ here .