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UDF) w rozproszonej bazie danyc

Wojciech Mitros
Oct. 13, 2022, 12:15 p.m.
room 4060
Seminarium "DeSeR: Dane, strumienie, rozpraszanie"

Choosing a language for user-defined functions in a database may have a considerable effect on the performance of the database - in every query, there may be multiple UDF's. Not every language can be used for that purpose - the UDF needs to run in an isolated runtime environment, so that it does not access external data.
One of the choices that can help with these issues is WebAssembly - a binary instruction format designed mostly for web applications, at the same time satisfying the requirements of UDF's. It's particularly suitable for UDF's due to its text representation in ".wat" format and the fact that many of the most popular programming languages can be compiled to it. The talk will consist of integrating WebAssembly as the language in user-defined functions in an existing database - Scylla (open-source NoSQL database, currently accepting only a high-level language "Lua" in its UDFs), optimizing the use of a chosen WebAssembly runtime environment and measuring the performance of the new UDF's in various metrics. This use of WebAssembly and the corresponding runtime environment has not been yet examined in literature. The talk will show potential benefits of integrating WebAssembly to UDF's in a database, as well as the neccessary steps for achieving them.