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Tracking Buggy Files: New Efficient Adaptive Bug Localization Algorithm

Piotr Przymus
March 17, 2022, 12:15 p.m.
Information about the event
Google Meet
Seminarium "DeSeR: Dane, strumienie, rozpraszanie"

Upon receiving a new bug report, developers need to find its cause in the source code. Bug localization can be helped by a tool that ranks all source files according to how likely they include the bug. This problem was thoroughly examined by numerous scientists. We introduce a novel adaptive bug localization algorithm. The concept behind it is based on new feature weighting approaches and an adaptive selection algorithm utilizing pointwise learntorank method. The algorithm is evaluated on publicly available datasets, and is competitive in terms of accuracy and required computational resources compared to stateoftheart. Additionally, to improve reproducibility we provide extended datasets that include computed features and partial steps, and we also provide the source code.