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Information for 3rd and 4th-year PhD students in Computer Science

The old doctoral program [link] applies to PhD students who started before Oct 2023. The program includes, among other things:

  1. Research Seminar (semesters 1-8). [list]
  2. PhDOpen Courses and/or Elective Courses. [website]
    During years I-III you should take 90 hours of these courses; here one PhDOpen course counts as 10 hours and one elective course counts as 30 hours. In exceptional circumstances, some of the 90hrs can be also filled with summer schools – in this last case the amount of hours counted is decided case by case by the director of the school, prof. Latała.
  3. (so-called) Methodological Classes: 30 hrs in total during semesters 2-4. You can choose any three PhDOpen short courses [website] or a course from this [list].

The choice of subjects to be credited should be agreed with your PhD advisor.