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Turbulent clustering of low-inertia droplets

Gustavo Abade
Instytut Geofizyki FUW UW
Oct. 15, 2020, 12:30 p.m.
Information about the event
Seminar of Mathematical Physics Equations Group

Several effects of turbulence may reduce the time for rain initiation in warm (ice-free) atmospheric clouds. This talk overviews the effect of turbulent clustering of inertial droplets that interact hydrodynamically. Using the so-called drift-diffusion model (based on the Master equation satisfied by the probability of finding two droplets separated by a given distance) it is shown that hydrodynamic interactions have a strong impact on clustering at small (sub-Kolmogorov) length scales. This enhances droplet collision probabilities and may accelerate precipitation formation.  Mechanisms for droplet clustering at larger length scales (in the inertial range of isotropic turbulence) are also discussed.

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