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Testing of Evolving Protocols

Patryk Czarnik
Uniwersytet Warszawski
April 16, 2012, 10:15 a.m.
room 4790
Seminar Semantics, Logic, Verification and its Applications

Prerun przed workshopem "Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference Practice and Research Techniques" (

Abstrakt pracy (wspólnej z J. Chrząszczem, A. Schubertem i A. Tarleckim):
  A common assumption for the state-of-the-art methods of protocol testing is that the protocol description is precise, unambiguous and fully determined. Unfortunately, in many practical situations this assumption turns out to be unrealistic.
  We propose an architecture of a testing framework where different aspects and facets of protocols are separated in a clear manner so that the adaptation of the framework to amendments in protocol description is relatively straightforward.
  This architecture is realised in a testing framework for RCS mobile phone protocol suite we developed in cooperation with Samsung Electronics. The framework successfully went through a number of adjustments to accommodate new interpretations of RCS protocols as assimilated by the developers.