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Synthesis From Temporal Specifications

Nir Piterman
Chalmers University of Technology
April 3, 2019, 2:15 p.m.
room 5050
Seminar Automata Theory

In this talk I will present the GR[1] approach to synthesis, the automatic production of designs from their temporal logic specifications.
We are interested in reactive systems, systems that continuously interact with other programs, users, or their environment and specifications in linear temporal logic.
Classical solutions to synthesis use either two player games or tree automata.
I will give a short introduction to the technique of using two player games for synthesis.

The classical solution to synthesis requires the usage of deterministic automata. This solution is 2EXPTIME-complete, is quite complicated, and does not work well in practice.
I will present a syntactic approach that restricts the kind of properties users are allowed to write.
It turns out that this approach is general enough and can be extended to cover most properties written in practice and I will survey some recent applications in model-driven development and robot control.