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Some universal Polish groups and group structures on the Urysohn space

Michal Doucha
March 19, 2014, 4:15 p.m.
room 5050
Topology and Set Theory Seminar

 I will present a construction of a metrically universal abelian separable metric group, i.e., every other separable abelian metric group embeds by an isometric monomorphism. This answers the question and extends the results of Shkarin and Niemiec, who constructed (independently) an abelian separable metric group which is only topologically universal (for the class of abelian Polish groups). 

I will also discuss group structures on the Urysohn universal space. Cameron and Vershik were the first who found a structure of an abelian (monothetic) group on the Urysohn space. Recently, Niemiec proved that the topologically universal group (constructed independently by him and Shkarin) is also isometric to the Urysohn space. I will show that the metrically universal abelian group is also a new example of a group structure on the Urysohn space substantially different from the Vershik-Shkarin-Niemiec examples. I will also present a non-abelian metric group isometric to the Urysohn space with a conjecture that this group is a universal (topologically or maybe even metrically) Polish group admitting two-sided invariant metric.
There are also a lot of open problems provided by the people involved (Vershik, Niemiec, Shkarin and others).