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joint work with Szymon Toruńczyk) & Evaluation of normalized mu-calculus formulas is polynomial for fixed structure size

Szczepan Humel & Paweł Parys
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Jan. 27, 2010, 1 p.m.
room 5870
Seminar Automata Theory

Szczepan 13.00
Bojańczyk and Colcombet have recently introduced new classes of omega languages, \omega B-, \omega S- and \omega BS-regular languages. All those classes can be characterized by counter automata with different acceptance conditions or by extensions of omega-regular expressions with two variants of Kleene star. As a consequence, they all extend the class of classical omega-regular languages. We prove that the Borel complexities of the classes are \Sigma_3, \Pi_3 and \Sigma_4, respectively. We give both, upper and lower, bounds for that. Since the result itself occurs to be short, I should have enough time to define some basic topological notions and recollect basic facts that bind topology and automata theory.

Paweł 14.30
We consider mu-calculus formulas in a normal form: after a prefix of fixed-point quantifiers follows a quantifier-free expression. We prove that the problem of evaluating (model checking) of such formula in a fixed powerset lattice (expression complexity) is polynomial. Assumptions about the quantifier-free part of the expression are weakest possible: it can be any monotone function given by a computational procedure.