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joint work with Sławomir Lasota, Jerome Leroux and Patrick Totzke

Piotr Hofman
Uniwersytet Warszawski
March 22, 2017, 2:15 p.m.
room 5870
Title in Polish
State equation for Data Petri Nets
Seminar Automata Theory

Data nets are yet another extension of Petri Nets in which the relations between consumed and produced tokens are very restricted.
Unordered/Ordered Data Petri Nets (UDPN) from the theory perspective are natural and easy to define. Furthermore, similarly
to Petri Nets they have a lot of structure to explore. During the talk we will start from defining U/ODPN and formulating the state equation
an analogue of one of the simplest and most important equations for Petri Nets.
Next, I will present a sketch of our results and developed methods.