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How are retail companies taking advantage of advanced analytics?

Sasa Moilanen
Zoined Oy
April 26, 2013, 2:15 p.m.
room 5820
Research Seminar of the Logic Group: Approximate reasoning in data mining

Examples from the retail industry highlighting current analytics trends and specific use cases for data mining, machine learning and predictive analytics. Thoughts on how to maximize business value through smart analytics initiatives related to better customer segmentation, targeted marketing, assortment optimization etc. and how to ensure usability of such solutions for different kind of business end users.


·  Business intelligence evolution

·  Business drivers for retail analytics

o Seeking for the competitive advantage

o Examples of business areas and processes being optimized with analytics

o Current IT trends in analytics

·  Examples of Zoined retail analytics

o Analytics architecture

o Customer Segmentation

o Market Basket Analysis

o Sales Forecasting

·  From data to decisions

o Decision management systems

o Role based dashboards, notifications/alerts and recommendations

·  Lessons learned and future directions