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Financial Portfolio Optimization considering Reliability and Robust framework: A Practical Approach

Raghu Nandan Sengupta
May 30, 2012, 2:15 p.m.
room 5820
Seminar of the Group of Mathematical Methods in Economy, Finances and Insuarance

Portfolio optimization problems are rather easy to solve if one assumes normality of the (joint) distribution of returns with given parameters and a linear objective function, subject to some risk constraints. Higher degrees of complexities arise when taking into account (i) non-linear asset classes, (ii) non-normal distributions, (iii) constraints on lot size, portfolio shares etc., and (iv) uncertainty of parameter estimates. In this paper a Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) framework is developed to tackle the last two issues, namely, to solve portfolio optimization problems, taking into account the constraints on lot sizes, portfolio shares, etc., and the uncertainty of parameter estimates. Thereby, standard methods and heuristics, available in the literature for handling reliability-based constraints, are adopted. The Block-Bootstrap method is used to obtain estimates of the uncertainty of parameter estimates. For an application to stocks which are components of the DAX, efficient portfolios are obtained taking into account the
trade-off between optimal values of the objective function and the
reliability of results.