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Topology and Set Theory


General and geometric topology, dimension theory and continua theory. Combinatorial and descriptive set theory and its applications to measure theory, topology and analysis. It includes the study of: special subsets of the reals, cardinal coefficients, combinatorics of partial orders and Boolean algebras, properties of ideals in Polish spaces and of definable ideals on countable sets, invariant measures and ideals, pcf theory, combinatorial methods in topology, Borel reducibility of equivalence relations.


Employees and PhD students

  • dr Mikołaj Krupski

    General Topology, Spaces of continuous functions

  • dr Marcin Kysiak

    The structure of the real line, ideals in Polish spaces, combinatorics of partial orders

  • dr hab. Maciej Malicki

    Polish group theory, descriptive set theory, Borel reducibility of equivalence relations

  • prof. dr hab. Witold Marciszewski

    General topology, infinite-dimensional topology, descriptive set theory, Banach spaces theory

  • dr Andrzej Nagórko

    Geometric topology, geometric group theory

  • dr Mirosław Sobolewski

    Continuum theory, fixed point theory

  • prof. dr hab. Piotr Zakrzewski

    Ideals in Polish spaces, invariant measures and ideals, definable ideals on countable sets, special subsets of the reals, combinatorics of Boolean algebras