Analysis and PDEs
Various questions in the theory of partial differential equations, with emphasis on existence and regularity problems for nonlinear elliptic and subelliptic equations and systems. Connections to calculus of variations, weak convergence methods and related topics in the theory of function spaces. Complex analysis.
Employees and PhD students
dr hab. Paweł Goldstein
Geometric analysis, geometric function and mapping theory; measure theory, convex analysis geometrically motivated PDE's (harmonic, n-harmonic, polyharmonic mappings)
prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Kałamajska
Sobolev spaces, calculus of variations
dr hab. Tomasz Kochanek, prof. UW
Theory of Banach spaces, vector measures, operator algebras
dr hab. Sławomir Kolasiński
Geometric measure theory, calculus of variations
dr Katarzyna Mazowiecka
Geometric analysis (in particular geometrically motivated PDES such as harmonic maps between manifolds), harmonic analysis, nonlinear PDEs, calculus of variations
dr Michał Miśkiewicz
Geometric analysis, PDEs
dr Przemysław Ohrysko
Harmonic analysis, Banach algebras
prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Pietruska-Pałuba
Geometric analysis, analysis on fractals
dr Waldemar Pompe
Calculus of variations
prof. dr hab. Paweł Strzelecki
Geometric analysis, non-linear partial differential equations, calculus of variations
dr Marta Szumańska
Geometric measure theory, convex geometry
dr hab. Anna Zatorska-Goldstein, prof. UW
Calculus of variations; nonlinear elliptic-type equations and systems, p-harmonic mappings, subelliptic equations and systems, systems with non-standard growth conditions; calculus of variations on metric spaces with a doubling measure