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prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Pietruska-Pałuba
- Affiliation
Institute of Mathematics
- Phone
- 55-44-133
- Room
- 1330
- Other information
- Employee's page on USOSweb
- Office hours (availability for students)
Poniedziałki 10:15 - 11:45. Proszę o wcześniejszy kontakt emailowy.
Terminy konsultacji obowiązują w czasie trwania zajęć.
- Director of Institute Institute of Mathematics
Fields of research
Analysis and PDEs
Geometric analysis, analysis on fractals -
Probability and Stochastic Analysis
Diffusion processes on fractals, differential inequalities and their applications in probability, Levy processses and nonlocal operators, Levy processes in random enviroment
Commissions, councils
- Faculty Council - Electoral College
- Institute of Mathematics Council - Rada Instytutu Matematyki_2024
Methods of potential theory for nonlinear problems related to Lévy-type processes and operators
Financed by: National Science Center (Opus)
Nieliniowe formy całkowe zwiazane ze skokowymi procesami Markowa
Financed by: National Science Center