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prof. dr hab. Damian Niwiński
- Affiliation
Institute of Informatics
- Phone
- 55-44-468
- Room
- 5630
- Website
- Other information
- Employee's page on USOSweb
- Office hours (availability for students)
środa 16:30-18:00 / Wednesday 4.30-6pm
konsultacje obowiązują w czasie trawnia zajęć dydaktycznych
Fields of research
Commissions, councils
- Faculty Council - Electoral College
- Institute of Informatics Council - Rada Instytutu Informatyki_2024
Decidability issues for automata on infinite structures
Financed by: National Science Center
Advanced problems in automata theory
Financed by: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Half-positional determinacy of infinite games (doctoral dissertation grant)
Financed by: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Fault tolerant distributed algorithms (doctoral dissertation grant)
Financed by: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Decidable hierarchies of regular tree languages (doctoral dissertation grant)
Financed by: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Mathematical foundations of correctness, security, and efficiency of distributed information systems
Financed by: State Committee for Scientific Research
Mathematical methods of verification of information systems
Financed by: State Committee for Scientific Research
Mathematical foundations of specification and correctness analysis of information systems
Financed by: State Committee for Scientific Research