Tomasz Mańdziuk

I am a research and teaching assistant at MIMUW. I am interested in algebraic geometry and more specifically in secant varieties and related Hilbert schemes.
In June 2022 I defended my PhD thesis that was prepared under the supervision of Jarosław Buczyński and Joachim Jelisiejew.

Room 5650
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
University of Warsaw
Banacha 2
02-097 Warsaw
t.mandziuk at

Publications and preprints:
  1. Gałązka, M., Mańdziuk, T. & Rupniewski, F. Distinguishing secant from cactus varieties. Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 2022
    DOI arXiv
  2. Mańdziuk, T. Identifying limits of ideals of points in the case of projective space. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 2022; 634; 149–178.
    DOI arXiv
  3. Mańdziuk, T. Cox rings and algebraic maps. Mathematische Nachrichten. 2019; 292: 389–401.
    DOI arXiv