Homepage of Tomasz Dêbiec



  1. Stability of solutions of the porous medium equation with growth with respect to the diffusion exponent (with P. Gwiazda, B. Miasojedow and Z. Szymanska), arXiv
  2. On a class of generalised solutions to the kinetic Hookean dumbbell model for incompressible dilute polymeric fluids: existence and macroscopic closure (with E. Süli), arXiv
  3. On entropy conservation for general systems of conservation laws, arXiv
  4. A tribute to energy conservation for weak solutions (with P. Gwiazda and A. Œwierczewska-Gwiazda), arXiv

Journal publications

  1. A Degenerate Cross-Diffusion System as the Inviscid Limit of a Nonlocal Tissue Growth Model (with N. David, M. Mandal and M. Schmidtchen), SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 56(2):2090-2114, 2024 SIMA
  2. Dissipative measure-valued solutions to the Euler-Poisson equation (with J. A. Carrillo, P. Gwiazda and A. Œwierczewska-Gwiazda), SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 56(1):304-335, 2024, SIMA
  3. A General Convex Integration Scheme for the Isentropic Compressible Euler Equations (with J. Skipper and E. Wiedemann), Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations , 20(1):95-117, 2023, JHDE
  4. Corotational Hookean Models of Dilute Polymeric Fluids: Existence of Global Weak Solutions, Weak-Strong Uniqueness, Equilibration and Macroscopic Closure (with E. Süli), SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis , 55(1):310-346, 2023, SIMA
  5. Convergence rate for the incompressible limit of nonlinear diffusion-advection equations (with N.David and B. Perthame), Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse Non Linéaire , 40(3):511-529, 2023, AIHPC
  6. Incompressible limit for a two-species tumour model with coupling through Brinkman’s law in any dimension (with B. Perthame, M. Schmidtchen and N. Vauchelet), Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 145:204-239, 2021, JMPA
  7. Incompressible limit for a two-species tumour model with coupling through Brinkman’s law in one dimension (with M. Schmidtchen), Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 169(1):593-611, 2020, AAM
  8. Energy Conservation for the Compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations with Vacuum (with I. Akramov, J. Skipper and E. Wiedemann), Analysis & PDE 13(3):789–811, 2020, APDE
  9. Relative Entropy Method for Measure Solutions of the Growth-Fragmentation Equation (with M. Doumic, P. Gwiazda and E. Wiedemann), SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 50(6):5811-5824, 2018, SIMA
  10. Conservation of energy for the Euler-Korteweg equations (with P. Gwiazda, A. Œwierczewska-Gwiazda and A. Tzavaras), Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 57, Art. 160, 2018, CVPDE
  11. Relative entropy method for measure-valued solutions in natural sciences (with P. Gwiazda, K. £yczek and A. Œwierczewska-Gwiazda), Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 52(1):311-335, 2018, TMNA

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