CONTRA Innovative Training Network Workshop and Tutorial, Warsaw:
Handling Single Cell data
September 9-12, 2018 (Workshop)
Spetember 12-15, 2018 (Tutorial, open only to CONTRA ESRs)
Registration for the workshop is now CLOSED
The registration fee includes welcome dinner on Sept 9, as well as coffee breaks and lunches and dinners during the workshop (Sept 10-11), including the conference dinner on Sept 11.Registered participants may book rooms at the Holiday Inn Aquilla Hotel Warszawa Józefow directly at hotel booking.
Please note that the participation and hotel for invited speakers, CONTRA PIs and CONTRA ESRs was already covered. This registration and hotel booking is set up for external participants of the workshop.
This event is organized by CONTRA (Computational ONcology TRaining Alliance) Innovative Training Network, a joint effort of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (coordinator), University of Warsaw, Poland, University of Cambridge, UK, King’s College London-Francis Crick Institute, UK, The Institute of Cancer Research, UK, Institute of Biomedical Research (IRB), Spain, University of Vigo, Spain, and ETH Zurich, Switzerland.Tumors are mixtures of heterogeneous cells. In CONTRA Innovative Training Network, we are interested in studying the evolutionary processes that give rise to such populations. Recent technologies in single cell molecular profiling, including DNA and RNA sequencing, allow for precise description of the molecular state of individual cells in the tumor population.
The event will consist of two parts:
Workshop (Sep 9-12, 2018) will introduce cutting edge experimental techniques and statistical tools in single cell analysis. The talks will be given by invited experimentalists and computational method developers, who are world-class experts in the field. The workshop audience will include the PhD students, PIs and business partners of the CONTRA network, but is open to other attendees interested in single cell sequencing technology.Workshop speakers
- Nicola Aceto, University of Basel, Switzerland
- Michaela Asp, SciLifeLab, Sweden
- Anna Cuomo, EBI and the University of Cambridge
- Aleksandra Deczkowska, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
- Ximena Ibarra, CRUK Cambridge Institute and EBI
- Peter Kharchenko, Harvard Medical School, USA
- Aleksandra Kołodziejczyk, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
- Jan Korbel, EMBL, Germany
- Jonas Maaskola, SciLifeLab, Sweden
- Peter J. Park, Harvard Medical School, USA
- Alexander Schoenhuth, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands
- Eike Staub, Merck, Germany
- Oliver Stegle, EMBL-EBI, UK
- Adi Steif, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Alexandra-Chloe Villani, Broad Institute of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard, Harvard Medical School, USA
- Anna Cuomo, EBI and the University of Cambridge
- Ximena Ibarra, CRUK Cambridge Institute and EBI
The event will take place in the Holiday Inn Hotel Warszawa Józefów, Poland.The hotel has a swimming pool so don't forget your swim suits if you wish to use it!
September 9-12, 2018 (Workshop),September 12-15, 2018 (Tutorial).
Organizing commitee
Ewa Szczurek,Jens Lagergren, CONTRA coordinator,
Iwona Zielińska, project assistant.