
Our Lab

Principal investigator

Ewa Szczurek

I like to work on new algorithms, machine learning and statistical methods for better understanding of medical data.


Małgorzata Łazęcka

Małgorzata defended her PhD thesis on conditional independence and information-theoretic measures at Warsaw University of Technology. She is currently working on a new method of analyzing multi-modal data. e-mail: m.lazecka[at]

PhD students

Adam Izdebski

[Now at Helmholtz Munich] Adam obtained his master's degree from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw. Before starting his PhD, he spent a year at Institute for Logic, Language and Computation in Amsterdam working on Quantum Machine Learning and was a research intern at Pacmed where he applied causal inference techniques to medical data. He is interested in representation learning and generative modeling applied to molecule design. e-mail: adam.izdebski[at]

Marcin Możejko

Marcin is a Master of Science in Mathematics from the University of Warsaw. As a part of his thesis, he developed a new, state-of-the-art model of cell classification based on the H\&E stainings for colorectal cancer. Before joining the group, he worked for over five years as a machine learning expert at multiple companies, where he developed models for NLP, CV, and predictive analytics tasks. In his free time, he is a perfume and Arvo Part's music passionate.
email: marcin.mozejko[at] and mmozejko1988[at]

Kazimierz Oksza-Orzechowski

Kazik is taking his first steps in the field of Bioinformatics, working on probabilistic graphical models of the tumour microenvironment (specifically cell-to-clone mapping). During his doctoral studies he aims to learn more about the methods of combining graphical models with deep learning, and apply them to high-thoroughput tumour data. Other interests include guitar playing and all manner of sports.

Paulina Szymczak

[Now at Helmholtz Munich] Paulina has Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology from the University of Wroclaw and a Master's degree in Bioinformatics at the University of Warsaw. She is working on multi-modal single cell sequencing data using machine learning techniques.
e-mail: ps410699[at]

Master students

Bruno Puczko-Szymanski

Ewa Kizling


Former PhD students

Senbai Kang (PhD defense June 2024)

Senbai earned his undergraduate and Master's degree in mechanical engineering respectively from the Dalian University of Technology and Xi’an Jiaotong University of China. During his PhD in our lab he was part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Contra program and was focusing on developing novel mathematical models of tumor evolution from single-cell DNA sequencing data.

Agnieszka Geras (PhD defense May 2024)

Agnieszka earned her undergraduate and Master's degree in mathematics from the Warsaw University of Technology. During the course of her Ph.D., she was working on statistical models to decompose immune cell types from transcriptomics data.

Shadi Darvish Shafighi (PhD defense Nov 2023)

Shadi earned her bachelor in computer engineering in the University of Tehran and her master in the Sharif University of Technology. In our lab she was a member of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Contra program. Duuring her PhD, she was focusing on developing probabilistic models to infer tumor evolution and cross-analyze different types of tumor heterogeneity.

Magda Markowska

Magda earned her master's degree in Quantitative Methods and Information Systems from Warsaw School of Economics. For some time she had worked in insurance risk assesment but then she redirected her statistical powers to bioinformatics. During her Ph.D. she was developing comprehensive methods for prediction of cancer therapy biomarkers and methods for modeling tumor evolution..

Krzysztof Koras (PhD defense April 2023)

Krzysztof earned his undergraduate degree in physics from the University of Warsaw. During his PhD work, he was focusing on development of novel statistical models for drug efficacy.

Alicja Rączkowska (PhD defense March 2023)

Alicja earned her Bachelor of Engineering and Master's degrees in computer science from the University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Torun. During her PhD she was developing machine learning algorithms for biological data analysis, with a focus on deep learning for cancer imaging. She would like for her work to make a positive impact on people's lives. Her research interests include deep learning explainability, uncertainty, learning with label noise and high-performance computing.

Former Ms students

Michał Kucharczyk (Ms defense Dec 2023)

Igor Filipiuk (Ms defense Sep 2022)

Basia Jurzysta (Ms defense Sep 2022)

Kazimierz Okrza-Orzechowski (Ms defense Sep 2022)

Marcin Wierzbiński (Ms defense Sep 2022)

Kacper Domżał (Ms defense Sep 2021)

Michał Kukiełka (Ms defense Apr 2021)

Paulina Szymczak (Ms defense Sep 2020)

Marcin Możejko (Ms defense Nov 2017)

Former Bachelor students

Radosław Jurczak (Bachelor defense Jul 2022)

Magda Markowska (Bachelor defense Sep 2020)

Ewa Kizling (Bachelor defense Aug 2020)

Former vsiting students

Magdalena Budzińska (visiting PhD student)

Magdalena is a PhD candidate at the Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, Australia, working on deciphering pre-cancerous genomic alterations occurring in liver DNA leading to development of liver cancer (Hepatocellular Carcinoma, HCC). She obtained her Master’s degree in Biotechnology with major in Bioinformatics from the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Currently, she’s a visiting researcher at the University of Warsaw. Her work during the visit is focusing on identification of synthetic lethal interaction partners with genes that are commonly altered by somatic mutations in hepatocellular carcinoma.

Tomasz Grzegorzek

Tomasz graduated from Wrocław University of Science and Technology with BSc in Computer Science. He works on ways to discover highly-active, non-toxic antimicrobial peptides via generative\ machine learning models.