
Książki nt. model-checkingu:
  • E.M. Clarke, O. Grumberg, D.A. Peled, Model Checking. MIT Press, 2002.
  • B. Berard, M. Bidoit, A. Finkel, F. Laroussinie, A. Petit, L. Petrucci, P. Schnoebelen, P. McKenzie, Systems and Software Verification. Springer, 2001.
  • C. Baier, J.-P. Katoen , Principles of Model Checking. MIT Press, 2008.

LTL, omega-automaty i SPIN:
  • G. J. Holzmann, The SPIN Model Checker. Pearson Educational, 2003.
  • G.J. Holzmann, D.A. Peled, An Improvement in Formal Verification. Proc. FORTE 1994. (PDF)
  • G.J. Holzmann, D.A. Peled, M. Yannakakis, On nested depth-first search. Proc. of the 2nd Spin Workshop, pp. 23-32, 1996. (PDF)
  • P. Gastin, D. Oddoux, Fast LTL to Büchi Automata Translation. Proc. CAV'01, LNCS 2102, p. 53-65. (PDF)
  • S. Demri, Ph. Schnoebelen, The Complexity of Propositional Linear Temporal Logics in Simple Cases. Information and Computation 174(1), str. 84-103, 2002. (PDF)

Symboliczna weryfikacja modelowa i SMV:

Ograniczona weryfikacja modelowa:
  • A. Biere, A. Cimatti, E.M. Clarke, O. Strichman, Y. Zhu, Bounded Model Checking. Advances in Computers 58, 2003.
  • E. M. Clarke, A. Biere, R. Raimi, Y. Zhu, Bounded Model Checking Using Satisfiability Solving. Formal Methods in System Design 19(1): 7-34 (2001)

Automaty czasowe:
  • R. Alur, D. L. Dill, A Theory of Timed Automata. Theoretical Computer Science 125:183-235, 1994.
  • R. Alur, Timed Automata. Proc. CAV'99, LNCS 1633, 8-22, Springer, 1999.
  • J. Bengtsson, W. Yi, Timed Automata: Semantics, Algorithms and Tools. Lecture Notes on Concurrency and Petri Nets, LNCS 3098, Springer-Verlag, 2004.

Weryfikacja probabilistyczna: