The SMV model checking system

This is the Cadence Berkeley Labs version of SMV, a formal verification tool, based on symbolic model checking. It is an evolution of the original Carnegie-Mellon version of SMV, including: and undoubtedly quite a bit more that I have presently forgotten.
Some documentation... Click here to download postcript versions of the tutorial and language reference.
Note: SMV is a research product, and as such is not supported. Your feedback is welcome, however. Please send questions or comments to First consult the archive of this mailing list, and the FAQ, to see if your question has already been answered.
Note for Windows users: the preferred text editor for creating SMV files is, of course, Emacs. Using c-mode for editing SMV files works moderately well. If you install gnuserv as well, SMV can direct Emacs to the source lines of errors, etc.
Note: this documentation tree is under construction. Do not take anything you read here too literally!
Ken McMillan
Last modified: Mon Mar 31 16:57:52 PST 2003