Installation instructions for SMV

Instructions for Unix

We will assume that "path" is the pathname of the directory into which SMV is to be installed, for example, /usr/local/smv. Unpack the binary distribution of SMV into this directory, using commands something like the following:

cd path
gunzip smv.tar.gz | tar xf -

Users of smv will need to put path/bin in their PATH variable and path/man in their MANPATH variable, and path/lib in their LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. In the .cshrc file, this would look like:

setenv PATH path/bin:$PATH
setenv MANPATH path/bin:$MANPATH

In addition, users of XEmacs version 21.1 should put the following in their ".emacs" or ".xemacs/init.el" file:

(setq load-path (cons "path/lib/emacs" load-path))
(load-library "smv-hooks")

where, again, path is the directory in which smv was installed. This will enable smv-mode and cause shells within XEmacs to respond to a command line SMV error message by displaying the file in which the error occurred, and marking the erroneous line with "=>", as in gdb mode. XEmacs will also be used as the text editor for vw, the graphical user interface for SMV. This is done via the gnuserv protocol, which is started by "smv-hooks". If you don't have XEmacs version 21.1, you can download it from Precompiled binaries are available for many platforms.

Instructions for Windows

SMV is self-installing under Windows.

Integration of SMV with the XEmacs text editor is possible, though not for the faint of heart. Basically, you need to have a working version of the gnuclient program. Currently, this does work with the Cygwin version of XEmacs. If you can get gnuclient to work with the native port of XEmacs, that will also work with SMV. Here are the steps for installing the Cygwin version:

Now that gnuclient is working, you need to perform the same setup as for Unix. That is, put the following in your ".xemacs/init.el" file (you can do this by running XEmacs and selecting the "Options|Edit init file" command) :

(setq load-path (cons "c:/progra~1/smv/lib/emacs" load-path))
(load-library "smv-hooks")

Note, if you installed SMV in a directory other than "c:\Program Files", you'll need to replace "c:/progra~1/smv" in the above by the name of directory you installed SMV in. Now exit and restart XEmacs.

To test the setup, start SMV and select "File|New". Enter a file name in the dialog box (for example, "foo.smv"). XEmacs should now display a file "foo.smv". If not, your setup is incorrect. There could be several things wrong:

For information on using vw and XEmacs, see the man page for vw. Note: Cygwin XEmacs uses both Windows pathnames (beginning with a drive letter) and Unix pathnames (beginning with a single slash). If you open a file with a Unix pathname in XEmacs, you won't be able to run SMV on it from within XEmacs, since SMV isn't a Cygwin application, and doesn't recognize Cygwin's Unix file system hierarchy.
Last modified: Fri Dec 27 10:57:45 PST 2002