radosław adamczak - home page

Personal data

Name             Radosław Adamczak
Place of birth  Kielce, Poland


2007 PhD in Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, diploma with honours. Thesis: U-statistics. Inequalities and laws of the iterated logarithm. Advisor: Prof. Rafał Latała.

2003 MSc in Mathematics, University of Warsaw and Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam (within the Joint Master's Programme), diploma with honours.

2003 Master's thesis: The entropy method and concentration of measure in product spaces (at the University of Warsaw: "Koncentracja miary") written under supervision of prof. Rafał Latała (Poland) and prof. Aad van der Vaart (the Netherlands).

2001 Bachelor's thesis at the University of Warsaw: "Symetryzacje dwupunktowe i radialne, a nierówność izoperymetryczna" (Two point and radial symmetrizations and the isoperimetric inequality) written under supervision of prof. Rafał Latała

1998-2003 Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw- Mathematics

1994-1998 Secondary School: I LO im. Stefana Żeromskiego, Kielce


2010 Nomination for the International Banach Prize

2010 Wojtek Pulikowski Lectureship at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

2010 Foundation for Polish Science Scholarship (special distinction)

2009 Kazimierz Kuratowski Award

2009 Foundation for Polish Science Scholarship

2008 Polish Mathematical Society Award for Young Mathematicians

2007 Marek Wacławek Foundation Award

2007 Stanisław Saks Scholarship given by the Foundation of Mahematicians of the City of Wrocław

1996-1998 Polish Children Found Scholarship

Foreign Stays

2010 A four month postdoctoral stay at the Fields Institute in Toronto

2007-2008 A one year postdoctoral stay at the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship)

2006 A three-month stay at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris during the special trimester "Phenomena in High Dimensions" (Marie Curie Fellowship)

2003 An eight-month stay at Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics within the Joint Master's Programme of VUA and University of Warsaw

2001 A four-month stay at Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics within the Socrates Exchange Programme.