Home CV Editorial Boards Research Publications Teaching (in Polish) Warsaw BiomatTeam  

Research Interests
Differential Equations, Integro-differential Equations, Singularly Perturbed Problems, Markov Processes and Applications in Kinetic Theory, Biology, Medicine and Social Sciences

Research Support
Grant "Matematyka podejść wieloskalowych w naukach o życiu i naukach społecznych" ("MATHEMATICS OF MULTI-SCALE APPROACHES IN LIFE AND SOCIAL SCIENCES"), NCN 2017/25/B/ST1/00051
Grant "Nieskończenie-wymiarowe układy dynamiczne - asymptotyka, stabilność i chaos" ("INFINITELY DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS - ASYMPTOTICS, STABILITY AND CHAOS"), N N201 605640, 2011 - 2014
Grant "Matematyczne podstawy opisów wieloskalowych" ("Mathematical foundation of the multi-scale descriptions"), N N201 362536, 2009 - 2012
Joint research grant under the South Africa-Poland Agreement on Cooperation in Science and Technology: UID 69188 Dynamical Systems and Kinetic models in Biomathematics, 2009 - 2010
Co-ordinator of the Polish Team of European Research Training Network "Modeling, Mathematical Methods and Computer Simulation of Tumour Growth and Therapy" MRTN-CT-2004-503661 , June 2004 - May 2008
Co-ordinator of the Polish Team of European Research Training Network (HPRN-CT-2000-00105) "Using Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation to Improve Cancer Therapy", June 2000 - November 2003
Various Polish KBN grants, e.g. "Analiza asymptotyczna układów kinetycznych" (2P03A00717), "Równania kinetyczne II" (2P03A02311), "Metody matematyczne w immunologii" (2P30105206), "Równania kinetyczne I" (2P301032706)

Supervisor of Ph.D. Theses
Marek Bodnar, University of Warsaw - "Properties of the solution to DDE versus properties of the solution to ODE", graduated in 2001
Sławomir Jagodziński, Technical University of Łódź, graduated in 2003, the award with distinction
Remigiusz Kowalczyk, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, graduated in 2005, co-supervisor with L. Preziosi
Cristian Morales Rodrigo, University of Warsaw - "Analysis of some systems of partial differential equations describing cellular movement", graduated in 2008
Andrea Quartarone, Università di Messina, Italy - "Stability of solutions of some mesoscopic equations in Biomathematics", graduated in 2014, co-supervisor with V. Ciancio
Mateusz Dębowski , University of Warsaw - "Some aspects of molecular mechanisms of the cell cycle and diauxic growth from a mathematical perspective", graduated in 2024, co-supervisor with J. Kubiak and Z. Szymańska