Lukasz Kowalik


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Research papers

All my papers can be found in [dblp] | [Google scholar].
Preprints of most of my papers can be accessed via [arXiv]

PhD Thesis

Algorytmiczne problemy sciezkowe w grafach planarnych (rozprawa doktorska),
Algorithmic Path Problems in Planar Graphs (PhD Thesis, in Polish)
Warsaw University, 2005.
[BibTeX entry] [PS] [PDF]
(The thesis is based on papers "Oracles for bounded length shortest paths in planar graphs", "Fast 3-coloring triangle-free planar graphs" and "Short cycles in planar graphs")

Popular science


  1. Problem komiwojażera w praktyce, [YouTube]
  2. Po co programiście chaos?, [YouTube]
  3. Fireside chat z Wojciechem Zarembą, [YouTube]


  1. Problem komiwojażera w praktyce, Delta, 2 / 2020. (in Polish) [PDF]
  2. Problem izomorfizmu grafów, Delta, 12 / 2018. (in Polish) [PDF]
  3. Programy liniowe, gry i algorytmy, Delta, 8 / 2013. (in Polish) [PDF]
  4. O notacji asymptotycznej w analizie algorytmów, Delta, 1 / 2008, 4-5. (in Polish) [PDF]
  5. Spacery po mostach i przejażdżki po mieście, Software 2.0, 7 / 2002. (in Polish) [PDF]