Homepage of Jarosław Buczyński

I am an associate professor (profesor IMPAN) at Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN).
I also collaborate with Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics of University of Warsaw (MIMUW), though I do not have any formal position there.


research interests



conferences, schools, and workshops

teaching and seminars

professional history

students and postdocs


Since Oct 2020 I serve in the Editorial Committee of the journal Dissertationes Mathematicae. We publish long self-contained research papers in any area of mathematics. It is a journal produced and sold by IMPAN, so whatever small profit it generates it all supports the mathematical community.

Since Oct 2020 I am the head of the Department of Algebra and Algebraic Geometry at IMPAN.

Since Nov 2024 I am in the Editorial Committee of the journal Experimental Mathematics.

Other information about committees etc..

Contact information

I will try to keep my generic schedule up to date.

for electronic address remove all 'h's:
jabuh (hat) mimhuw (doth) hedu (doth) phl

My office 421 at IMPAN is located on the fourth floor at:
IMPAN, ul. Śniadeckich 8, Warsaw.
Office telephone number: (+48) 22 5228 151 or just 151 from inside the building

Postal address at IMPAN:

Jarosław Buczyński
Instytut Matematyczny PAN
ul. Śniadeckich 8
00-656 Warszawa

(billing adresses)