
  • I will be teaching assistant (30 hours) for the course of Algebraic geometry held by Agnieszka Bodzenta-Skibińska at the faculty of Mathematics of the University of Warsaw.
  • I will be teaching assistant (30 hours) for the course of Algebra II held by Jan Okniński at the faculty of Mathematics of the University of Warsaw.
  • I am teaching assistant (60 hours) for the course of Linear algebra held by Oskar KÄ™dzierski at the faculty of Economics of the University of Warsaw.

I was teaching assistant (120 hours) for the course of Linear algebra held by Oskar Kędzierski at the faculty of Economics of the University of Warsaw.


  • I taught an intensive course (18 hours) of basic math for first-year engineering students at the University of Trieste, Italy.
  • Between March and June 2022 I have organized a reading group on Algebraic statistics at IM PAN Warsaw. We have covered roughly the first 6 chapters of "Algebraic statistics" by Seth Sullivant.


  • I taught an undergraduate course (25 hours) of General Mathematic for first-year math students at the University of Trieste, Italy.
  • On August 30th and 31st, 2021 I gave two lectures (4 hours) on logic and assiomatic systems during the summer school Moduli formativi, aimed at high-schoolers and organized by the university of Trieste.

Enumerative geometry 2018-19
I taught the PhD course Enumerative Geometry at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany.

Linear algebra 2017-18
I was teaching assistant (15 hours) for the course Algebra and Geometry held by Cinzia Bisi at the University of Ferrara, Italy.

Topology 2016-17
I was teaching assistant (15 hours) for the course Geometry 3 held by Massimiliano Mella at the University of Ferrara, Italy.

Topology 2015-16
I was teaching assistant (15 hours) for the course Geometry 3 held by Massimiliano Mella at the University of Ferrara, Italy.