Andrzej Szczepan Białynicki-Birula Foundation

The aim of the Foundation is to support Belarusian and Ukrainian students of mathematics and informatics at the University of Warsaw.

The Foundation bears its name after Andrzej Szczepan Białynicki-Birula, mathematician, researcher and educator, vice-Rector of the University of Warsaw, dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics (MIM).

Scientific stipends 2024/2025

Scientific stipends of Andrzej Szczepan Białynicki-Birula Foundation for the academic year 2024/2025 have been awarded to the following students:
  • Ivan Gechu from Dnipro, student of computer science at MIM UW
  • Heorhii Lopatin from Kyiv, studying computer science and mathematics at MIM UW

Summer term 2024/2025 allowances for scholar achievements

The following students have been awarded allowances for scholar achievements in the Summer term of the 2024/2025: Denys Hromovyi, Veranika Kananovich, Artsiom Valiushka.

Programs for students from Belarus and Ukraine

Donations, bank accounts

PLN: PL23 1140 2004 0000 3702 8226 9412
EUR: PL68 1140 2004 0000 3512 1527 9884

If you make a bank transfer please indicate that this is a donation,
in Polish na cele statutowe Fundacji.


Address: Fundacja ASBB, Wydział MIM UW, ul. Banacha 2, 02-097 Warszawa

Andrzej Szczepan Białynicki-Birula Foundation is a registered charity at KRS 0000957002

More about Foundation