My profiles: dblp, Google Scholar, orcid
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Kopczyński E., Celińska-Kopczyńska D., (2022). Real-Time Visualization in Anisotropic Geometries. Experimental Mathematics 1-20.
- Strawiński P., Celińska-Kopczyńska D., (2019). Occupational injury risk wage premium. Safety Science 118, 337-344.
- Celińska D., (2016). Why do users choose Open Source software? Analysis of the network effect. Informatyka Ekonomiczna 1(39), 9-22.
- Celińska D., (2014). Użycie oprogramowania Open Source -- co poza gift economy. Ekonomia. Rynek, gospodarka, społeczeństwo 37, 5-25.
- Celińska D., Olszewski K., (2013). Determinants of life satisfaction. Ekonomia. Rynek, gospodarka, społeczeństwo 34, 5-21.
- Celińska D., Lasek M., (2012). Jaki system Business Intelligence wybrać i zastosować? A może Open Source? Informatyka Ekonomiczna 24(4), 20-37.
Conference Proceedings
- Celińska-Kopczyńska D., Kopczyński E. (2022). Non-Euclidean Self-Organizing Maps.IJCAI 2022, 1938-1944.
- Celińska-Kopczyńska D., Kopczyński E. (2022). Discrete Hyperbolic Random Graph Model.SEA 2022, 1:1-1:19.
- Celińska-Kopczyńska D., Kopczyński E. (2022). Portals to Non-Euclidean Geometries.Proceedings of Bridges 2022: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture, 297-300.
- Kopczyński E., Celińska D., (2019). Conformal Mappings of the Hyperbolic Plane to Arbitrary Shapes.Proceedings of Bridges 2018: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture, 91-98.
- Celińska, D. (2018). Coding together in a social network: collaboration among GitHub users. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Media and Society, 31-40.
- Kopczyński E., Celińska D. (2018). Virtual Crocheting of Euclidean Planes in a 3-Sphere. Proceedings of Bridges 2018: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture, 551-554.
- Kopczyński E., Celińska D., Čtrnáct M., (2017). HyperRogue: playing with hyperbolic geometry. Proceedings of Bridges 2017: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Education, Culture, 9-16.
- Celińska D., Kopczyński E., (2017). Programming languages in GitHub: A visualization in hyperbolic plane. ICWSM 727-728.
- Celińska D., Kopczewski T., (2016). Individual vs collective thought–the "islands" experiment. Economic awareness and education -- importance and measurement, 23-23.
- Celińska D., (2016). Information and influence in social network of the Open Source community. Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems. 9th EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, 485-495.
Working Papers
- My arXiv
- Celińska D., (2016). Who is forked on GitHub? Collaboration among Open Source developers. Working Papers 2016-15, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw.
- Celińska D., Lasek M., (2015). Why do users choose Open Source software? Analysis of the network effect. Working Papers 2015-05, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw.