Research interests
- Distributed computing
- Communication in networks
- Randomized algorithms
- Combinatorial structures
List containing few nice open problems (in polish)

Journal publications
- Time of deterministic broadcasting in radio networks with local
knowledge, SIAM
Journal on Computing, to appear (with A. Pelc)
- Faster deterministic broadcasting in ad-hoc radio networks, SIAM
Journal on Discrete Mathematics, to appear (with A. Pelc)
- Randomization helps to perform independent tasks reliably, Random Structures and Algorithms,
24 (2004) 11-41 (with B. Chlebus)
- Broadcasting spanning forests on a Multiple Access Channel, Theory of Computing Systems,
36 (2003) 711 - 733 (with B. Chlebus and K. Golab)
Conference publications
Explicit combinatorial structures
for cooperative distributed algorithms,
in Proc., 25-th International
Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems, ICDCS 2005, to appear
(with P. Musial and A.A. Shvartsman)
Centralized deterministic broadcasting in undirected multi-hop,
in Proc., 7-th
International Workshop on
Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems,
APPROX 2004,
to appear
(with Andrzej Pelc)
A better wake-up in radio networks,
in Proc., 23-rd
Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on
Principles of Distributed Computing,
PODC 2004,
to appear
(with Bogdan Chlebus)
- Collective
asynchronous reading with polylogarithmic
worst-case overhead,
in Proc., 36-th
ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, STOC 2004,
to appear
(with Bogdan Chlebus and Alex Shvartsman)
- The Wake-Up problem in multi-hop radio networks,
in Proc., 15-th
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2004,
pp. 985-993
(with Marek Chrobak and Leszek Gasieniec)
- Collective tree exploration, in Proc., 6-th
Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, LATIN 2004,
to appear (with P. Fraigniaud, L. Gasieniec and A. Pelc)
- The join problem in dynamic network algorithms,
in Proc.,
International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2004,
to appear
(with Kishori Konwar and Alex Shvartsman)
- Emulating shared-memory Do-All algorithms in asynchronous
message-passing systems, in Proc., 7th Interantional
Conference On Principles of Distributed Systems, OPODIS 2003, to
appear (with M. Momenzadeh and A. Shvartsman)
- Efficient gossip and robust distributed computation,
in 17-th International Symposium on
Distributed Computing, DISC 2003,
pp. 224-238
(with C. Georgiou and A. Shvartsman)
- Time of radio broadcasting:
adaptiveness vs. obliviousness and randomization vs. determinism,
in Proc., 10-th International Colloquium on
Structural Information and Communication Complexity, SIROCCO 2003,
pp. 195-210
(with A. Pelc)
- Broadcasting in
ad hoc radio networks, in Proc., 22-nd
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2003,
pp. 73-82 (with A. Pelc)
- Performing work with
asynchronous processors: Message-delay-sensitive bounds, in Proc., 22-nd ACM Symposium on Principles of
Distributed Computing, PODC 2003,
pp. 265-274 (with A.
- Faster deterministic
in ad hoc radio networks, in Proc., 20-th
Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS 2003,
Springer, pp. 109-120
(with A. Pelc)
- Deterministic broadcasting
time in
radio networks of unknown topology,
in Proc., 43-rd Annual IEEE Symposium on
of Computer Science, FOCS 2002,
pp. 63-72 (with A. Pelc)
- Bounding work and
communication in
robust cooperative computation, in Proc.,
16-th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, DISC 2002,
pp. 295-310 (with B. Chlebus, L. Gasieniec and A. Shvartsman)
- Gossiping to reach consensus,
in Proc.,
14-th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, SPAA
2002, pp. 220-229 (with B. Chlebus)
- Finding spanning forests by
in Proc., 9-th International Colloquium on
Information and Communication Complexity, SIROCCO 2002, pp.
B.S. Chlebus and K. Golab)
- Towards practical
algorithms, in Proc., 13-th ACM Symposium
on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, SPAA 2001, pp.
(with B. Chlebus, S. Dobrev, G. Malewicz, A. Shvartsman and I. Vrto)
- The Do-All problem in
networks, in Proc., 20-th ACM Symposium
Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2001, pp. 117-126
B. Chlebus and A. Lingas)
- Randomization helps to perform
tasks on
processors prone to failures, in Proc.,
International Symposium on Distributed Computing, DISC 1999,
LNCS 1693, pp. 284-296 (with B. Chlebus)

Other publications
- Performing tasks in
asynchronous environment,
in 7th International Workshops on
Interconnection Networks,
p. 9
(with A. Shvartsman)
- Distributed algorithms to
perform independent
tasks in networks with processor faults, Ph.D.
Thesis, Warsaw University, Poland, 2001 (pdf
- Rapidly mixing Markov Chains (in Polish), in Forum Informatyki Teoretycznej, TR 96-12, 1996,
p. 10
- Algorithms for generating and counting based on rapidly mixing
Chains (in
Polish), M.Sc. Thesis, Warsaw
University, Poland, 1996

Last updated: 29.11.2003