Workshop on Recent Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Biology and Medicine II
February 1-2, 2005 (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, Warsaw University)
organized in the framework of the 6th Programme MRTN-CT-2004-503661:
"Modeling, Mathematical Methods and Computer Simulation of Tumour Growth and Therapy"

Program of the Workshop:
Invited speakers:
 Philipp Getto
 Gabriela Litcanu
 Jacek Miękisz
 Tadeusz Płatkowski
 Andrzej Polański
 Andrzej Świerniak
 Bartosz Wilczyński
 Marek Bodnar
 Urszula Foryś
 Philipp Getto
 Joanna Jaroszewska
 Remigiusz Kowalczyk
 Mirosław Lachowicz
 Gabriela Litcanu
 Jacek Miękisz
 Cristian Morales Rodrigo
 Monika Piotrowska
 Tadeusz Płatkowski
 Andrzej Polański
 Andrzej Świerniak
 Jacek Waniewski
 Bartosz Wilczyński
 Katarzyna Zareba